Sunday, October 9, 2011


Last weekend, I took a trip by myself to Cologne (Köln) Germany!  It was wonderful, like a dream. Here's why:

1. I booked a fabulous hostel using a great website, as I talked about in my previous post from Köln.  The place was really chill, and I met some amazing people I'm still in contact with! If any of you are reading this, HI!!!!

2. the weather was INSANE. and by that, I mean there were NO CLOUDS in the sky. Not one. The temperature was about 75 degrees. Yes, I got a tan. Yes, I still have that tan. Despite the nasty weather I got returning home.

3. There was a stunning cathedral in the middle of the city. I got lucky, as there was a special pilgrimage going on where you could walk under the famous Shrine of the Three Kings. (picture below)  I also went to Sunday mass at that church, and even though it was all in German, it was remarkable to see how easily I could understand what was going on.

4. Cologne was easy to navigate. Most of my friends know I'm horrible with directions, but with Cologne, all I needed was a general sense of where I was in relation to the Rhine River. My iPhone has a compass on it, so it was really easy to get there. "Okay, gotta go east and north and we'll hit the cathedral."

5. Cologne has a lot of pedestrian streets. These are exactly what they sound like: streets cars aren't allowed down, that are only for pedestrians. It was really cool to have a whole street full of just people walking. And the food from the little stands was excellent.

6. German culture. I'm roughly 75% German (though this does not mean I know any German at all.) It was nice to be in the country my family came from, and to see what life would be like for the theoretical me if my family were to stay in Germany.

7. Being alone. Don't get me wrong, I love our group. But after the previous weekend's adventures, being around the same 27 people for that much time was a little overwhelming. It was nice to be by myself and set my own agenda.

So, check Germany off of the countries I've visited, but hope to return to someday!

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