Sunday, September 11, 2011

This City

Interviews have been going well so far, and we are starting to get into the swing of things.  Today, I have a message for the world of people potentially studying abroad.  NEVER, EVER, EVER plug a power strip into a convertor.  That was a disastrous experience I hope to never repeat in my life.  Trust me, you won't need to plug things in that often anyway.

The second thing I want to write about here is how groovy this city is.  I mean, all the trams, metro, trains, and buses come on time, there is music playing in the metro all the time, and sometimes the homeless people trying to heckle you are cool.  We went to the USA/ Belgium soccer game the other night, and after a 45 minute excursion trying to find the metro afterward, I have decided to always have a detailed map of the area I'm going to.  That was a bit insane.  As far as cool homeless people on the metro, I was riding to an internship interview today and this man with a guitar came onto the metro and started playing "Sway". You know, this one:

I was going to ignore him, but I couldn't help it.  I started singing along.  The man DROPPED THE VOCALS HIMSELF and just played while I sang!  The whole metro, who was going to ignore him, sat up and paid attention.  It was the most satisfying thing I did that day.  I hope that man earned his way that day, and I've been looking forward to the chance to do it again.

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